Adaptation to
Climate Change
The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.
The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.
The Mission contributes to putting the EU’s adaptation strategy in practice by helping the regions to:
1) better understand the climate risks they are and will be confronted with in the future;
2) develop their pathways to be better prepared and cope with the changing climate;
3) test and deploy on the ground innovative solutions needed to build resilience.
Scientific subjects related to this Mission Arena include (but are not limited to):
Adaptation of ecosystems
- Coastal zone management, coastal defense and hardening
- Biosystem-level adaptation, including management of biodiversity and ecosystem connectivity
- Water system security (also see: Mission No. 3)
Adaptation of urban and infrastructure systems (also see: Mission No. 4)
- Sustainable land use and urban planning
- Resilient power systems
- Investigating and introducing new energy sources
‘Human life-centered’ adaptations
- Health and health systems
- Livelihood diversification (including through diverse building practices, food and lifestyle)
- Adaptation via changing patterns of human mobility
- Adaptation via human values, identities and philosophies