About EU TalentOn

EU TalentOn is a competition addressed to young researchers from all over Europe, aged 21 and 35.
The event is a team competition, where participants will develop an autorial scientific project to find the best solutions for global problems of today and tomorrow defined in five EU Missions in light of Horizon Europe.
EU TalentOn will be held on 9-14 September, 2024.
Other important dates to keep in mind are:
- April 15 – May 20, 2024 – I Open call for applicants
- May 21- June 12, 2024 – I Application evaluation process
- June 17- July 7, 2024 – II Open call for applicants
- July 8 – 26, 2024 – II Application evaluation process and selection of participants
- August 2024 – Teaming of participants and within-team online meeting
- September 9-14, 2024 – The contest finale in Katowice
EU TalentOn 2024 will take place in different venues around the University of Silesia in the centre of Katowice in Poland.
The Content Coordinator or ‘Mission Navigator’ of the EU TalentOn 2024 is Łukasz Lamża, PhD – science journalist, philosopher, author and public speaker. Read more about his contribution here: www.ckbi.uj.edu.pl.
Join EU TalentOn

The EU TalentOn is an event for young researchers from all across Europe, aged 21 to 35 years, representing all disciplines of academia.
From 7 June to 7 July 2024, those interested are requested to apply to join the EU TalentOn. Those qualified for this year’s edition of the event will be informed about this fact via e-mail by the end of July. If you want to apply, you can do so via this registration form.
After the selection of participants for each Mission Arena is completed in July, applicants will be provided with detailed information. Each team will consist of 4 participants and 1 buddy. Based on the result of an online meeting, participants will be divided into teams shortly after the participants are selected.
During the meeting, the participants will have the chance to introduce themselves to other people in their Mission Arenas and provide the organisers with an (unpublished) list of preferred team members.
The composition of the teams will be decided based on their preference and, if necessary, randomisation.
The function of buddies, who will be selected from Polish universities, is to help the participants with issues such as moving around the campus, arranging materials, and reminding them about essential points in the programme.

The EU TalentOn Finals will be held in Katowice on 9-14 September. The main purpose of the finals is to give you time to develop your ideas into a proposal that will be presented to the jury later. You will take on challenges linked to the 5 EU Missions of Horizon Europe: Adaptation to Climate Change, Cancer, Restore our Ocean and Water, 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, and A Soil Deal for Europe. These become 5 Mission Arenas of EU TalentOn.
During the finals, you will also be given the opportunity to participate in additional lectures and workshops to help with your work as well as several social events. However, a significant portion of time will be reserved for unsupervised group work in a specially prepared open space.
No, if you are selected for the EU TalentOn, you must physically partake in the event in Katowice.
The amount of 75,000 euros will be divided between 5 Mission Arenas. Per Mission Arena, a First Prize of 7,500 euros and a Second Prize of 4,500 euros will be handed out.
Apart from the prizes per Mission Arena, a Grand Prize will also be awarded to the team with the best ideas. It will be handed to the best of the 5 first-prize winners. The Grand Prize is 12,000 euros in addition to Mission Arena’s first prize.
It is also planned to award one team with an Audience Prize of 3,000 euros.
Teams can spend the money as they see fit, but are encouraged to continue to work together as a team.
The written proposal and the public pitch will be evaluated by a jury of experts in relevant fields of science representing the European community of scientists. Each Mission Arena will have its jury, and a Head Jury will be selected in each case. There are four main criteria, as the projects are expected to be:
- scientific,
- creative,
- feasible,
- convincing.
Based on the evaluation of these 4 criteria, each proposal will receive a total score, calculated as a weighted mean according to the above-presented weights. Unweighted means will be calculated from these total scores from individual jury members to give the final score.
You won’t have to pay for anything! As the organizers, we pay for your transport to Katowice, accommodation, and meals on-site.